Online and telephone sessions available all this week


You may have heard on the news that as a precaution, the central Perth area is going into lockdown for 5 days, starting tonight. You can still go food shopping all this week and obtain essential items. This is a temporary precaution for five days.

Better Health Psychology is remaining open for online psychology sessions and telephone psychology sessions.

Online sessions are easy to use. Book a time and we will send you an email with a link to click that opens an online screen.

Telephone / Telehealth sessions are easy. Book a time and I will call you when your session starts, or call me on 0490 129 003

Medicare rebates are available for both online and telephone sessions. I will be putting on extra sessions during the weekends during this time. Couple's sessions can also be on the telephone or online. If you wish to make an appointment for this week, then feel free to go online and book a telephone or online session at or call me on 0490 129 003

Until then, remember to do relaxation techniques, mediation, progressive body relaxation techniques and any other safe and enjoyable activities that help you to relax.

Better Health Psychology