Prince Harry opens up about EMDR therapy for trauma, grief, stress and anxiety

Prince Harry has made world wide news by promoting EMDR Therapy and giving an interview where he shows part of a psychology session using this therapy.

Prince Harry.jpg

EMDR involves using various ways to get the mind to sweep back and forth and this promotes healing, especially in situations where a person has felt “stuck” with a problem. There is more than one technique to get the brain to do this and Prince Harry is shown using the tapping technique (with his arms crossed over his body) however there are other ways to use it such as following an object back and forth with your eyes, and using a special type of EMDR music on headphones.

In Prince Harry’s interview, he is shown using the Tapping method (which is easier to use if doing an online telehealth session). At Better Health Psychology, we use all types of EMDR and most people choose to use headphones as a much simpler method where you listen to a special type of music.


All types of EMDR methods are effective for treating a variety of conditions such as anxiety, trauma, PTSD, eating issues, addictions and stressful situations.

To see the interview with Prince Harry then click on this link.

To book a psychology session for EMDR treatment then click here.

For any questions, or to see more information then visit our website at