Keeping sane and grounded in uncertain times..

Keeping sane is a priority. If you aren’t looking after yourself then how can you help anyone else. Read on to see how having a little bit of focus during these uncertain times can help you:

- Make time for regular self-care. Schedule it in your diary so you do it regularly.

- Find a project that motivates you, either a hobby or for work or with another person, and keep it going towards a goal.

- If you don't yet have an idea then search internet photos with key words that are inspirational (eg. Health, Home-business, Fun, Connection, etc) until you find your inspiration. Make finding your goal your first step and think on this regularly until you find what motivates you.

- Make the goal specific enough that it can be achieved. Make it something you want. For example, a goal can be as simple as deciding to have a relaxing lavender bath at least once a week for the next 4 months, updating your resume, learning a new recipe, etc.

- Limit how much you watch media. This is an important step.. look at essential news but limit the rest of your watching of the media.

- Keep in touch with friends. Talk with each other about what you enjoy doing and about achieving your goals.

- Get a routine going that improves your mental and physical health. Think of achieving your goal as a wiggly line rather than a straight one so that when you have setbacks you view it as part of the process and keep going.

- Set goals for fun or productivity and then break them down into small achievable steps and just focus on achieving that one next step. This helps us to feel balanced and grounded when the news around us can seem so uncertain.

- If you've got something you always wanted to start doing at home but haven't done it yet, now is the time.

Better Health Psychology