Kindness Can Have Unexpectedly Positive Consequences

Scientific American Article By Amit Kumar on December 12, 2022:

Scientists who study happiness know that being kind to others can improve well-being. Acts as simple as buying a cup of coffee for someone can boost a person’s mood, for example. Everyday life affords many opportunities for such actions, yet people do not always take advantage of them.

In a set of studies published online in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Nick Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and I examined a possible explanation. We found that people who perform random acts of kindness do not always realize how much of an impact they are having on another individual. People consistently and systematically underestimate how others value these acts.

Across multiple experiments involving approximately 1,000 participants, people performed a random act of kindness—that is, an action done with the primary intention of making someone else (who isn’t expecting the gesture) feel good. Those who perform such actions expect nothing in return.

From one procedure to the next, the specific acts of kindness varied. For instance, in one experiment, people wrote notes to friends and family “just because.” In another, they gave cupcakes away. Across these experiments, we asked both the person performing a kind act and the one receiving it to fill out questionnaires. We asked the person who had acted with kindness to report their own experience and predict their recipient’s response. We wanted to understand how valuable people perceived these acts to be, so both the performer and recipient had to rate how “big” the act seemed. In some cases, we also inquired about the actual or perceived cost in time, money or effort. In all cases, we compared the performer’s expectations of the recipient’s mood with the recipient’s actual experience.

Across our investigations, several robust patterns emerged. For one, both performers and recipients of the acts of kindness were in more positive moods than normal after these exchanges. For another, it was clear that performers undervalued their impact: recipients felt significantly better than the kind actors expected. The recipients also reliably rated these acts as “bigger” than the people performing them did.

We initially studied acts of kindness done for familiar people, such as friends, classmates or family. But we found that participants underestimated their positive impact on strangers as well. In one experiment, participants at an ice-skating rink in a public park gave away hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. Again the experience was more positive than the givers anticipated for the recipients, who were people that just happened to be nearby. While the people giving the hot chocolate saw the act as relatively inconsequential, it really mattered to the recipients.

Our research also revealed one reason that people may underestimate their action’s impact. When we asked one set of participants to estimate how much someone would like getting a cupcake simply for participating in a study, for example, their predictions were well-calibrated with recipient reactions. But when people received cupcakes through a random act of kindness, the cupcake givers underestimated how positive their recipients would feel. Recipients of these unexpected actions tend to focus more on warmth than performers do.

Our work suggests that simply being part of a positive, prosocial interaction is meaningful beyond whatever it is a person receives. People understand that cupcakes can make folks feel good, to be sure, but it turns out that cupcakes given in kindness can make them feel surprisingly good. When someone is thinking primarily about the tasty treat they are giving away, they may not realize that the warmth of that gesture is an extra ingredient that can make the cupcake even sweeter.

Missing the importance of warmth may stand in the way of being kinder in daily life. People generally want to perform kind actions—in fact, many of our participants noted that they’d like to do so more often. But our data suggest that underestimating the impact of one’s actions may reduce the likelihood of kindness. If people undervalue this impact, they might not bother to carry out these warm, prosocial behaviors.

Furthermore, the consequences of these acts may go beyond a single recipient: kindness can be contagious. In another experiment, we had people play an economic game that allowed us to examine what are sometimes called “pay it forward” effects. In this game, participants allocated money between themselves and a person whom they would never meet. People who had just been on the receiving end of a kind act gave substantially more to an anonymous person than those who had not. Meanwhile the person who performed the initial act did not recognize that their generosity would spill over in these downstream interactions.

These findings suggest that what might seem small when we are deciding whether or not to do something nice for someone else could matter a great deal to the person we do it for. Given that these warm gestures can enhance our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not choose kindness when we can?

Better Health Psychology
Does the body have memory? Does the body remember stressful events?

Have you wondered why it is that people get tense when they remember something traumatic or stressful? There is a lot of emerging evidence that the body tissues can contain memory of previous events, including trauma or stress or previous situations. Also, by changing the body using techniques such as massage, yoga, myofascial therapy or stretching, it can help people recover from previous stressful events.

If you don’t have time to read more, then the short answer is Yes, it does seem like the body stores memories. This is why tuning into your physical responses helps you also understand your emotional and thought processes. So go and book yourself a massage, yoga class or myofascial therapist now. Exercise such as cycling or swimming is also very useful.

If you are interested in reading more, then read the summary below (or read the full article, which is attached by the link at the end). After reading, go and book yourself a massage, yoga class or myofascial therapist. :-)

Article summary..

The idea that tissues may possess some sort of memory is a controversial topic calling for research and clinical exploration. Many bodyworkers, at some point in their practice, have experienced phenomena that may be interpreted as representing a release of memory traces when working on dysfunctional tissues. This feeling has been accompanied by some type of sensory experience, for the therapist and/or the patient. In some cases, early traumatic experiences can be recalled. When this happens, the potency of the memory may be erased or eased, along with restoration of tissue function. Hence the questions: can memories be held in the fascia? Are these memories accessible during physical massage? Modern research has proposed a variety of different interpretations as to how memory might be stored in soft tissues, possibly involving other forms of information storage not exclusively processed in the brain.

It appears that the body, the physical and energetic system, is capable of conducting messages. It is an informational network that distributes regulatory signals throughout the body, coordinating cellular and extracellular activities involved in growth and regeneration. It is suggested that manual therapy might affect various forms of memory, producing profound tissue changes.

Full article link..


Does fascia hold memories? FASCIA SCIENCE AND CLINICAL APPLICATIONS: EDITORIAL, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2014) 18, 259-265

Keeping sane and grounded in uncertain times..

Keeping sane is a priority. If you aren’t looking after yourself then how can you help anyone else. Read on to see how having a little bit of focus during these uncertain times can help you:

- Make time for regular self-care. Schedule it in your diary so you do it regularly.

- Find a project that motivates you, either a hobby or for work or with another person, and keep it going towards a goal.

- If you don't yet have an idea then search internet photos with key words that are inspirational (eg. Health, Home-business, Fun, Connection, etc) until you find your inspiration. Make finding your goal your first step and think on this regularly until you find what motivates you.

- Make the goal specific enough that it can be achieved. Make it something you want. For example, a goal can be as simple as deciding to have a relaxing lavender bath at least once a week for the next 4 months, updating your resume, learning a new recipe, etc.

- Limit how much you watch media. This is an important step.. look at essential news but limit the rest of your watching of the media.

- Keep in touch with friends. Talk with each other about what you enjoy doing and about achieving your goals.

- Get a routine going that improves your mental and physical health. Think of achieving your goal as a wiggly line rather than a straight one so that when you have setbacks you view it as part of the process and keep going.

- Set goals for fun or productivity and then break them down into small achievable steps and just focus on achieving that one next step. This helps us to feel balanced and grounded when the news around us can seem so uncertain.

- If you've got something you always wanted to start doing at home but haven't done it yet, now is the time.

Better Health Psychology